Selasa, 07 Mei 2013

Rutinan Mujahadah Jum’at Wage sekaligus Do’a Bersama dan Jamaah Sholat Hajat dengan Umaro’ ( Danramil Kab. Gresik )

Jl. Tlogobedah Hulaan Menganti Gresik
Postal 61 174 Tel (031) 81283491

Number: 176/PP.MU/U/V/2013
Attachment: -

Father / Mother / Guardian Students / Alumni
In Place

Assalamu Wr, Wb.

By pleading mercy and guidance of Allah SWT, Muhammad SAW intercession and blessing nadroh Ghoutsu Hadza Zaman RA. With respect we expect the presence of Father / Mother / Guardian Students / Alumni on Friday Wage Mujahadah Rutinan event that Insha Allah carried on in Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding at:

Day: Thursday Night Friday Wage
Date: May 9, 2013
Time: 19:30 pm (After Isha Prayer ') s / d completed
Place: On Page Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Hulaan Menganti Gresik
Event: Friday Mujahadah Rutinan once Benediction Joint Wage and

Hajat prayers with worshipers umaro '(Danramil District. Gresik)
Composition of Event 1. Opening (Masduki Zuhdi, M Ed)
2. Mujahadah 7/17 (3X Khataman)
a. K. Agus Masrur, S.Sos
b. K. Abdulloh Makin
c. Father. Ahmad Yusuf
3. Remarks: a. KH. MUSHLIH, SH.M.MPd (Board cottage)
b. Danramil Kab. Gresik & Ummaro '
4. Religion Lecture: KH. M. HERU SUJIHARNANTO, S.Pd.
from Pasuruan
5. Hajat prayer: KH. Choiri ruf of City Nganjuk
6. Istiqosah: K. NUR Zuhdi
7. Closing / Benediction

Invitations for your attention and thus the presence of Father / Mother / Guardian Students / Alumni, thanks very much. Teriring Benediction: "Jazaakumullohu Khoirotii Wasa 'Addatiddunya Wal Akhiroh." Amin
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Menganti, May 7, 2013

Boarding Caregivers

Miftahul Ulum

NB: For Bringing Daughter To Pilgrims

Mukena (rukuh) from Home


Mujahadah malam jumat wage dipondok pesantren miftahul ulum tlogobedah menganti gresik 09/05/2013

dari kiri ( Letkol CZI,Awang Pramina Lovianto Komandan KODIM 0817 Kab.Gresik,K.Agus Mushonnif Syahid.SH Ketua DPC PSW Kab.Gresik,dan Kapten Syaiful Anam Koramil Kec.Menganti )